09 Feb 2016
In Practical Recursion
I talked about recursion schemes, describing them as elegant and useful
patterns for expressing general computation. In that article I introduced a
number of things relevant to working with the
package in Haskell.
In particular, I went over:
- factoring the recursion out of recursive types using base functors and a
fixed-point wrapper
- the ‘Foldable’ and ‘Unfoldable’ typeclasses corresponding to recursive and
corecursive data types, plus their ‘project’ and ‘embed’ functions
- the ‘Base’ type family that maps recursive types to their base functors
- some of the most common and useful recursion schemes: cata, ana, para,
and hylo.
In A Tour of Some Useful Recursive
I went into further detail on ‘Fix’, ‘Free’, and ‘Cofree’ - three higher-kinded
recursive types that are useful for encoding programs defined by some
underlying instruction set.
I’ve also posted a couple of minor notes - I described the apo scheme in
Sorting Slower With Style (as well as how to use
recursion-schemes with regular Haskell lists) and chatted about monadic
versions of the various schemes in Monadic Recursion
Here I want to clue up this whole recursion series by briefly talking about two
other recursion schemes - histo and futu - that work by looking at the past
or future of the recursion respectively.
Here’s a little preamble for the examples to come:
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
import Control.Comonad.Cofree
import Control.Monad.Free
import Data.Functor.Foldable
Histomorphisms are terrifically simple - they just give you access to arbitrary
previously-computed values of the recursion at any given point (its history,
hence the namesake). They’re perfectly suited to dynamic programming problems,
or anything where you might need to re-use intermediate computations later.
Histo needs a data structure to store the history of the recursion in. The
the natural choice there is ‘Cofree’, which allows one to annotate recursive
types with arbitrary metadata. Brian McKenna wrote a great
article on making
practical use of these kind of annotations awhile back.
But yeah, histomorphisms are very easy to use. Check out the following
function that returns all the odd-indexed elements of a list:
oddIndices :: [a] -> [a]
oddIndices = histo $ \case
Nil -> []
Cons h (_ :< Nil) -> [h]
Cons h (_ :< Cons _ (t :< _)) -> h:t
The value to the left of a ‘:<’ constructor is an annotation provided by
‘Cofree’, and the value to right is the (similarly annotated) next step of the
recursion. The annotations at any point are the previously computed values of
the recursion corresponding to that point.
So in the case above, we’re just grabbing some elements from the input list and
ignoring others. The algebra is saying:
- if the input list is empty, return an empty list
- if the input list has only one element, return that one-element list
- if the input list has at least two elements, return the list built by
cons-ing the first element together with the list computed two steps ago
The list computed two steps ago is available as the annotation on the
constructor two steps down - I’ve matched it as ‘t’ in the last line of the
above example. Like cata, histo works from the bottom-up.
A function that computes even indices is similar:
evenIndices :: [a] -> [a]
evenIndices = histo $ \case
Nil -> []
Cons _ (_ :< Nil) -> []
Cons _ (_ :< Cons h (t :< _)) -> h:t
Like histomorphisms, futumorphisms are also simple. They give you access to
a particular computed part of the recursion at any given point.
However I’ll concede that the perceived simplicity probably comes with
experience, and there is likely some conceptual weirdness to be found here.
Just as histo gives you access to previously-computed values, futu gives
you access to values that the recursion will compute in the future.

So yeah, that sounds crazy. But the reality is more mundane, if you’re
familiar with the underlying concepts.
For histo, the recursion proceeds from the bottom up. At each point, the
part of the recursive type you’re working with is annotated with the value of
the recursion at that point (using ‘Cofree’), so you can always just reach back
and grab it for use in the present.
With futu, the recursion proceeds from the top down. At each point, you
construct an expression that can make use of a value to be supplied later.
When the value does become available, you can use it to evaluate the
A histomorphism makes use of ‘Cofree’ to do its annotation, so it should be no
surprise that a futumorphism uses the dual structure - ‘Free’ - to create its
expressions. The well-known ‘free monad’ is tremendously
for working with small embedded languages. I also wrote about ‘Free’ in the
same article mentioned previously, so I’ll link it
in case you want to refer to it.
As an example, we’ll use futu to implement the same two functions that we did
for histo. First, the function that grabs all odd-indexed elements:
oddIndicesF :: [a] -> [a]
oddIndicesF = futu coalg where
coalg list = case project list of
Nil -> Nil
Cons x s -> Cons x $ do
return $ case project s of
Nil -> s
Cons _ t -> t
The coalgebra is saying the following:
- if the input list is empty, return an empty list
- if the input list has at least one element, construct an expression that
will use a value to be supplied later.
- if the supplied value turns out to be empty, return the one-element list.
- if the supplied value turns out to have at least one more element, return the
list constructed by skipping it, and using the value from another step in
the future.
You can write that function more concisely, and indeed
HLint will complain at you for
writing it as I’ve done above. But I think this one makes it clear what parts
are happening based on values to be supplied in the future. Namely, anything
that occurs after ‘do’.
It’s kind of cool - you Enter The Monad™ and can suddenly work with values that
don’t exist yet, while treating them as if they do.
Here’s futu-implemented ‘evenIndices’ for good measure:
evenIndicesF :: [a] -> [a]
evenIndicesF = futu coalg where
coalg list = case project list of
Nil -> Nil
Cons _ s -> case project s of
Nil -> Nil
Cons h t -> Cons h $ return t
Sort of a neat feature is that ‘Free’ part of the coalgebra can be written
a little cleaner if you have ‘Free’-encoded embedded language terms floating
around. Here are a couple of such terms, plus a ‘twiddle’ function that uses
them to permute elements of an input list as they’re encountered:
nil :: Free (Prim [a]) b
nil = liftF Nil
cons :: a -> b -> Free (Prim [a]) b
cons h t = liftF (Cons h t)
twiddle :: [a] -> [a]
twiddle = futu coalg where
coalg r = case project r of
Nil -> Nil
Cons x l -> case project l of
Nil -> Cons x nil
Cons h t -> Cons h $ cons x t
If you’ve been looking to twiddle elements of a recursive type then you’ve
found a classy way to do it:
> take 20 $ twiddle [1..]
Enjoy! You can find the code from this article in this
20 Jan 2016
I have another few posts that I’d like to write before cluing up the
whole recursion schemes kick I’ve been
on. The first is a simple note about monadic versions of the schemes
introduced thus far.
In practice you often want to deal with effectful versions of something like
cata. Take a very simple embedded language, for example (“Hutton’s Razor”,
with variables):
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFoldable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveTraversable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
import Control.Monad ((<=<), liftM2)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Class (lift)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Reader (ReaderT, ask, runReaderT)
import Data.Functor.Foldable hiding (Foldable, Unfoldable)
import qualified Data.Functor.Foldable as RS (Foldable, Unfoldable)
import Data.Map.Strict (Map)
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
data ExprF r =
VarF String
| LitF Int
| AddF r r
deriving (Show, Functor, Foldable, Traversable)
type Expr = Fix ExprF
var :: String -> Expr
var = Fix . VarF
lit :: Int -> Expr
lit = Fix . LitF
add :: Expr -> Expr -> Expr
add a b = Fix (AddF a b)
(Note: Make sure you import ‘Data.Functor.Foldable.Foldable’ with a
qualifier because GHC’s ‘DeriveFoldable’ pragma will become confused if there
are multiple ‘Foldables’ in scope.)
Take proper error handling over an expression of type ‘Expr’ as an example; at
present we’d have to write an ‘eval’ function as something like
eval :: Expr -> Int
eval = cata $ \case
LitF j -> j
AddF i j -> i + j
VarF _ -> error "free variable in expression"
This is a bit of a non-starter in a serious or production implementation, where
errors are typically handled using a higher-kinded type like ‘Maybe’ or
‘Either’ instead of by just blowing up the program on the spot. If we hit an
unbound variable during evaluation, we’d be better suited to return an error
value that can be dealt with in a more appropriate place.
Look at the algebra used in ‘eval’; what would be useful is something like
monadicAlgebra = \case
LitF j -> return j
AddF i j -> return (i + j)
VarF v -> Left (FreeVar v)
data Error =
FreeVar String
deriving Show
This won’t fly with cata as-is, and recursion-schemes doesn’t appear to
include any support for monadic variants out of the box. But we can produce a
monadic cata - as well as monadic versions of the other schemes I’ve talked
about to date - without a lot of trouble.
To begin, I’ll stoop to a level I haven’t yet descended to and include a
commutative diagram that defines a catamorphism:

To read it, start in the bottom left corner and work your way to the bottom
right. You can see that we can go from a value of type ‘t’ to one of type ‘a’
by either applying ‘cata alg’ directly, or by composing a bunch of other
functions together.
If we’re trying to define cata, we’ll obviously want to do it in terms
of the compositions:
cata:: (RS.Foldable t) => (Base t a -> a) -> t -> a
cata alg = alg . fmap (cata alg) . project
Note that in practice it’s typically more
to write recursive functions using a non-recursive wrapper, like so:
cata:: (RS.Foldable t) => (Base t a -> a) -> t -> a
cata alg = c where c = alg . fmap c . project
This ensures that the function can be inlined. Indeed, this is the version
that recursion-schemes uses internally.
To get to a monadic version we need to support a monadic algebra - that is, a
function with type ‘Base t a -> m a’ for appropriate ‘t’. To translate the
commutative diagram, we need to replace ‘fmap’ with ‘traverse’ (requiring a
‘Traversable’ instance) and the final composition with monadic (or Kleisli)

The resulting function can be read straight off the diagram, modulo additional
constraints on type variables. I’ll go ahead and write it directly in the
inline-friendly way:
:: (Monad m, Traversable (Base t), RS.Foldable t)
=> (Base t a -> m a) -> t -> m a
cataM alg = c where
c = alg <=< traverse c . project
Going back to the previous example, we can now define a proper ‘eval’ as
eval :: Expr -> Either Error Int
eval = cataM $ \case
LitF j -> return j
AddF i j -> return (i + j)
VarF v -> Left (FreeVar v)
This will of course work for any monad. A common pattern on an ‘eval’ function
is to additionally slap on a ‘ReaderT’ layer to supply an environment, for
eval :: Expr -> ReaderT (Map String Int) (Either Error) Int
eval = cataM $ \case
LitF j -> return j
AddF i j -> return (i + j)
VarF v -> do
env <- ask
case Map.lookup v env of
Nothing -> lift (Left (FreeVar v))
Just j -> return j
And just an example of how that works:
> let open = add (var "x") (var "y")
> runReaderT (eval open) (Map.singleton "x" 1)
Left (FreeVar "y")
> runReaderT (eval open) (Map.fromList [("x", 1), ("y", 5)])
Right 6
You can follow the same formula to create the other monadic recursion schemes.
Here’s monadic ana:
:: (Monad m, Traversable (Base t), RS.Unfoldable t)
=> (a -> m (Base t a)) -> a -> m t
anaM coalg = a where
a = (return . embed) <=< traverse a <=< coalg
and monadic para, apo, and hylo follow in much the same way:
:: (Monad m, Traversable (Base t), RS.Foldable t)
=> (Base t (t, a) -> m a) -> t -> m a
paraM alg = p where
p = alg <=< traverse f . project
f t = liftM2 (,) (return t) (p t)
:: (Monad m, Traversable (Base t), RS.Unfoldable t)
=> (a -> m (Base t (Either t a))) -> a -> m t
apoM coalg = a where
a = (return . embed) <=< traverse f <=< coalg
f = either return a
:: (Monad m, Traversable t)
=> (t b -> m b) -> (a -> m (t a)) -> a -> m b
hyloM alg coalg = h
where h = alg <=< traverse h <=< coalg
These are straightforward extensions from the basic schemes. A good exercise
is to try putting together the commutative diagrams corresponding to each
scheme yourself, and then use them to derive the monadic versions. That’s
pretty fun to do for para and apo in particular.
If you’re using these monadic versions in your own project, you may want to
drop them into a module like ‘Data.Functor.Foldable.Extended’ as recommended
my colleague Jasper Van der Jeugt. Additionally, there is an old
issue floating around on
the recursion-schemes repo that proposes adding them to the library itself.
So maybe they’ll turn up in there eventually.
19 Jan 2016
I previously wrote about implementing merge sort using
recursion schemes. By using a hylomorphism we
could express the algorithm concisely and true to its high-level description.
Insertion sort can be
implemented in a similar way - this time by putting one recursion scheme inside
of another.

Read on for details.
These guys don’t seem to get a lot of love in the recursion scheme tutorial du
jour, probably because they might be the first scheme you encounter that looks
truly weird on first glance. But apo is really not bad at all - I’d go so
far as to call apomorphisms straightforward and practical.
So: if you remember your elementary recursion schemes, you can say that apo
is to ana as para is to cata. A paramorphism gives you access to a value
of the original input type at every point of the recursion; an apomorphism lets
you terminate using a value of the original input type at any point of the
This is pretty useful - often when traversing some structure you just want to
bail out and return some value on the spot, rather than continuing on recursing
A good introduction is the toy ‘mapHead’ function that maps some other function
over the head of a list and leaves the rest of it unchanged. Let’s first rig
up a hand-rolled list type to illustrate it on:
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
import Data.Functor.Foldable
data ListF a r =
ConsF a r
| NilF
deriving (Show, Functor)
type List a = Fix (ListF a)
fromList :: [a] -> List a
fromList = ana coalg . project where
coalg Nil = NilF
coalg (Cons h t) = ConsF h t
(I’ll come back to the implementation of ‘fromList’ later, but for now you can
see it’s implemented via an anamorphism.)
Example One
Here’s ‘mapHead’ for our hand-rolled list type, implemented via apo:
mapHead :: (a -> a) -> List a -> List a
mapHead f = apo coalg . project where
coalg NilF = NilF
coalg (ConsF h t) = ConsF (f h) (Left t)
Before I talk you through it, here’s a trivial usage example:
> fromList [1..3]
Fix (ConsF 1 (Fix (ConsF 2 (Fix (ConsF 3 (Fix NilF))))))
> mapHead succ (fromList [1..3])
Fix (ConsF 2 (Fix (ConsF 2 (Fix (ConsF 3 (Fix NilF))))))
Now. Take a look at the coalgebra involved in writing ‘mapHead’. It has the
type ‘a -> Base t (Either t a)’, which for our hand-rolled list case simplifies
to ‘a -> ListF a (Either (List a) a)’.
Just as a reminder, you can check this in GHCi using the ‘:kind!’ command:
> :set -XRankNTypes
> :kind! forall a. a -> Base (List a) (Either (List a) a)
forall a. a -> Base (List a) (Either (List a) a) :: *
= a -> ListF a (Either (List a) a)
So, inside any base functor on the right hand side we’re going to be dealing
with some ‘Either’ values. The ‘Left’ branch indicates that we’re going to
terminate the recursion using whatever value we pass, whereas the ‘Right’
branch means we’ll continue recursing as per normal.
In the case of ‘mapHead’, the coalgebra is saying:
- deconstruct the list; if it has no elements just return an empty list
- if the list has at least one element, return the list constructed by
prepending ‘f h’ to the existing tail.
Here the ‘Left’ branch is used to terminate the recursion and just return the
existing tail on the spot.
Example Two
That was pretty easy, so let’s take it up a notch and implement list
cat :: List a -> List a -> List a
cat l0 l1 = apo coalg (project l0) where
coalg NilF = case project l1 of
NilF -> NilF
ConsF h t -> ConsF h (Left t)
coalg (ConsF x l) = case project l of
NilF -> ConsF x (Left l1)
ConsF h t -> ConsF x (Right (ConsF h t))
This one is slightly more involved, but the principles are almost entirely the
same. If both lists are empty we just return an empty list, and if the first
list has at most one element we return the list constructed by jamming the
second list onto it. The ‘Left’ branch again just terminates the recursion and
stops everything there.
If both lists are nonempty? Then we actually do some work and recurse, which
is what the ‘Right’ branch indicates.
So hopefully you can see there’s nothing too weird going on - the coalgebras
are really simple once you get used to the Either constructors floating around
in there.
Paramorphisms involve an algebra that gives you access to a value of the
original input type in a pair - a product of two values. Since apomorphisms
are their dual, it’s no surprise that you can give them a value of the original
input type using ‘Either’ - a sum of two values.
Insertion Sort
So yeah, my favourite example of an apomorphism is for implementing the ‘inner
loop’ of insertion sort, a famous worst-case \(O(n^2)\) comparison-based
sort. Granted that insertion sort itself is a bit of a toy algorithm, but the
pattern used to implement its internals is pretty interesting and more broadly
This animation found on
illustrates how insertion sort works:

We’ll actually be doing this thing in reverse - starting from the right-hand
side and scanning left - but here’s the inner loop that we’ll be concerned
with: if we’re looking at two elements that are out of sorted order, slide the
offending element to where it belongs by pushing it to the right until it hits
either a bigger element or the end of the list.
As an example, picture the following list:
[3, 1, 1, 2, 4, 3, 5, 1, 6, 2, 1]
The first two elements are out of sorted order, so we want to slide the 3
rightwards along the list until it bumps up against a larger element - here
that’s the 4.
The following function describes how to do that in general for our hand-rolled
list type:
coalg NilF = NilF
coalg (ConsF x l) = case project l of
NilF -> ConsF x (Left l)
ConsF h t
| x <= h -> ConsF x (Left l)
| otherwise -> ConsF h (Right (ConsF x t))
It says:
- deconstruct the list; if it has no elements just return an empty list
- if the list has only one element, or has at least two elements that are in
sorted order, terminate with the original list by passing the tail of the
list in the ‘Left’ branch
- if the list has at least two elements that are out of sorted order, swap
them and recurse using the ‘Right’ branch
And with that in place, we can use an apomorphism to put it to work:
knockback :: Ord a => List a -> List a
knockback = apo coalg . project where
coalg NilF = NilF
coalg (ConsF x l) = case project l of
NilF -> ConsF x (Left l)
ConsF h t
| x <= h -> ConsF x (Left l)
| otherwise -> ConsF h (Right (ConsF x t))
Check out how it works on our original list, slotting the leading 3 in front of
the 4 as required. I’ll use a regular list here for readability:
> let test = [3, 1, 1, 2, 4, 3, 5, 1, 6, 2, 1]
> knockbackL test
[1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 3, 5, 1, 6, 2, 1]
Now to implement insertion sort we just want to do this repeatedly like in the
animation above.
This isn’t something you’d likely notice at first glance, but check out the
type of ‘knockback . embed’:
> :t knockback . embed
knockback . embed :: Ord a => ListF a (List a) -> List a
That’s an algebra in the ‘ListF a’ base functor, so we can drop it into cata:
insertionSort :: Ord a => List a -> List a
insertionSort = cata (knockback . embed)
And voila, we have our sort.
If it’s not clear how the thing works, you can visualize the whole process as
working from the back of the list, knocking back unsorted elements and
recursing towards the front like so:
[2, 1] -> [1, 2]
[6, 1, 2] -> [1, 2, 6]
[1, 1, 2, 6]
[5, 1, 1, 2, 6] -> [1, 1, 2, 5, 6]
[3, 1, 1, 2, 5, 6] -> [1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 6]
[4, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 6] -> [1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
[2, 1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6] -> [1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
[1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
[1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
[3, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6] -> [1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 5, 6]
[1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 5, 6]
Wrapping Up
And that’s it! If you’re unlucky you may be sorting asymptotically worse than
if you had used mergesort. But at least you’re doing it with style.
The ‘mapHead’ and ‘cat’ examples come from the unreadable Vene and
Uustalu paper that first
described apomorphisms. The insertion sort example comes from Tim Williams’s
excellent recursion schemes
As always, I’ve dumped the code for this article into a
Addendum: Using Regular Lists
You’ll note that the ‘fromList’ and ‘knockbackL’ functions above operate on
regular Haskell lists. The short of it is that it’s easy to do this;
recursion-schemes defines a data family called ‘Prim’ that basically endows
lists with base functor constructors of their own. You just need to use ‘Nil’
in place of ‘[]’ and ‘Cons’ in place of ‘(:)’.
Here’s insertion sort implemented in the same way, but for regular lists:
knockbackL :: Ord a => [a] -> [a]
knockbackL = apo coalg . project where
coalg Nil = Nil
coalg (Cons x l) = case project l of
Nil -> Cons x (Left l)
Cons h t
| x <= h -> Cons x (Left l)
| otherwise -> Cons h (Right (Cons x t))
insertionSortL :: Ord a => [a] -> [a]
insertionSortL = cata (knockbackL . embed)