Sharing in Haskell EDSLs
30 May 2014Lately I’ve been trying to do some magic by way of nonstandard interpretations of abstract syntax. One of the things that I’ve managed to grok along the way has been the problem of sharing in deeply-embedded languages.
Here’s a simple illustration of the ‘vanilla’ sharing problem by way of plain Haskell; a function that computes 2^n:
naiveTree :: (Eq a, Num a, Num b) => a -> a
naiveTree 0 = 1
naiveTree n = naiveTree (n - 1) + naiveTree (n - 1)
This naive implementation is a poor way to roll as it is exponentially complex
in n. Look at how evaluation proceeds for something like naiveTree 4
> naiveTree 4
> naiveTree 3 + naiveTree 3
> naiveTree 2 + naiveTree 2 + naiveTree 2 + naiveTree 2
> naiveTree 1 + naiveTree 1 + naiveTree 1 + naiveTree 1
+ naiveTree 1 + naiveTree 1 + naiveTree 1 + naiveTree 1
> naiveTree 0 + naiveTree 0 + naiveTree 0 + naiveTree 0
+ naiveTree 0 + naiveTree 0 + naiveTree 0 + naiveTree 0
+ naiveTree 0 + naiveTree 0 + naiveTree 0 + naiveTree 0
+ naiveTree 0 + naiveTree 0 + naiveTree 0 + naiveTree 0
> 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1
> 16
Each recursive call doubles the number of function evaluations we need to make.
Don’t wait up for naiveTree 50
to return a value.
A better way to write this function would be:
tree :: (Eq a, Num a, Num b) => a -> a
tree 0 = 1
tree n =
let shared = tree (n - 1)
in shared + shared
Here we store solutions to subproblems, and thus avoid having to recompute
things over and over. Look at how tree 4
proceeds now:
> tree 4
> let shared0 =
let shared1 =
let shared2 =
let shared3 = 1
in shared3 + shared3
in shared2 + shared2
in shared1 + shared1
in shared0 + shared0
> let shared0 =
let shared1 =
let shared2 = 2
in shared2 + shared2
in shared1 + shared1
in shared0 + shared0
> let shared0 =
let shared1 = 4
in shared1 + shared1
in shared0 + shared0
> let shared0 = 8
in shared0 + shared0
> 16
You could say that Haskell’s let
syntax enables sharing between
computations; using it reduces the complexity of our tree implementation from
\(O(2^n)\) to \(O(n)\). tree 50
now returns instantly:
> tree 50
So let’s move everything over to an abstract syntax setting and see how the results translate there.
Let’s start with a minimalist language, known in some circles as Hutton’s Razor. While puny, it is sufficiently expressive to illustrate the subtleties of this whole sharing business:
data Expr =
Lit Int
| Add Expr Expr
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
instance Num Expr where
fromInteger = Lit . fromInteger
(+) = Add
eval :: Expr -> Int
eval (Lit d) = d
eval (Add e0 e1) = eval e0 + eval e1
I’ve provided a Num
instance so that we can conveniently write expressions in
this language. We can use conventional notation and extract abstract syntax
for free by specifying a particular type signature:
> 1 + 1 :: Expr
Add (Lit 1) (Lit 1)
And of course we can use eval
to evaluate things:
> eval (1 + 1 :: Expr)
Due to the Num
instance and the polymorphic definitions of naiveTree
, these functions will automatically work on our expression type. Check
them out:
> naiveTree 2 :: Expr
Add (Add (Lit 1) (Lit 1)) (Add (Lit 1) (Lit 1))
> tree 2 :: Expr
Add (Add (Lit 1) (Lit 1)) (Add (Lit 1) (Lit 1))
Notice there’s a quirk here: each of these functions - having wildly different
complexities - yields the same abstract syntax, implying that tree
is no
more efficient than naiveTree
when it comes to dealing with this expression
type. That means..
> eval (tree 50 :: Expr)
-- ain't happening
So there is a big problem here: Haskell’s let
syntax doesn’t carry its
sharing over to our embedded language. Equivalently, the embedded language is
not expressive enough to represent sharing in its own abstract syntax.
There are a few ways to get around this.
Memoizing Evaluation
For some interpretations (like evaluation) we can use a memoization library.
Here we can use Data.StableMemo
to define a clean and simple evaluator:
import Data.StableMemo
memoEval :: Expr -> Int
memoEval = go where
go = memo eval
eval (Lit i) = i
eval (Add e0 e1) = go e0 + go e1
This will very conveniently handle any grimy details of caching intermediate
computations. It passes the tree 50
test just fine:
> memoEval (tree 50 :: Expr)
Some other interpretations are still inefficient; a similar memoPrint
function will still dump out a massive syntax tree due to the limited
expressiveness of the embedded language. The memoizer doesn’t really allow us
to observe sharing, if we’re interested in doing that for some reason.
Observing Implicit Sharing
We can actually use GHC’s internal sharing analysis to recover any implicit
sharing present in an embedded expression. This is the technique introduced by
Andy Gill’s Type Safe Observable Sharing In Haskell
and implemented in the data-reify
library on
Hackage. It’s as
technically unsafe as it sounds, but in practice has the benefits of being both
relatively benign and minimally intrusive on the existing language.
Here is the extra machinery required to observe implicit sharing in our Expr
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
import Control.Applicative
import Data.Reify hiding (Graph)
import qualified Data.Reify as Reify
import System.IO.Unsafe
data ExprF e =
LitF Int
| AddF e e
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Functor)
instance MuRef Expr where
type DeRef Expr = ExprF
mapDeRef f (Add e0 e1) = AddF <$> f e0 <*> f e1
mapDeRef _ (Lit v) = pure (LitF v)
We need to make Expr
an instance of the MuRef
class, which loosely provides
a mapping between the Expr
and ExprF
types. ExprF
itself is a so-called
‘pattern functor’, which is a parameterized type in which recursive points are
indicated by the parameter. We need the TypeFamilies
pragma for
instantiating the MuRef
class, and DeriveFunctor
eliminates the need to
manually instantiate a Functor
instance for ExprF
Writing MuRef
instances is pretty easy. For more complicated types you can
often use Data.Traversable.traverse
in order to provide the required
implementation for mapDeRef
With this in place we can use reifyGraph
from data-reify
in order to
observe the implicit sharing. Let’s try this on a bite-sized tree 2
and note
that it is an IO action:
> reifyGraph (tree 2 :: Expr)
let [(1,AddF 2 2),(2,AddF 3 3),(3,LitF 1)] in 1
Here we get an abstract syntax graph - rather than a tree - and sharing has been made explicit.
We can write an interpreter for expressions by internally reifying them as
graphs and then working on those. reifyGraph
is an IO action, but since its
effects are pretty tame I don’t feel too bad about wrapping calls to it in
. Interpreting these graphs must be handled a little
differently from interpreting a tree; a naive ‘tree-like’ evaluator
will eliminate sharing undesirably:
naiveEval :: Expr -> Int
naiveEval expr = gEval reified where
reified = unsafePerformIO $ reifyGraph expr
gEval (Reify.Graph env r) = go r where
go j = case lookup j env of
Just (AddF a b) -> go a + go b
Just (LitF d) -> d
Nothing -> 0
This evaluator fails the tree 50
> naiveEval (tree 50)
-- hang
We need to use a more appropriately graph-y method to traverse and interpret this (directed, acyclic) graph. Here’s an idea:
- topologically sort the graph, yielding a linear ordering of vertices such that for every edge \(u \to v\), \(v\) is ordered before \(u\).
- iterate through the sorted vertices, interpreting them as desired and storing the interpretation
- look up the previously-interpreted vertices as needed
We can use the Data.Graph
module from the containers
library to deal with
the topological sorting and vertex lookups. The following graph-based
evaluator gets the job done:
import Data.Graph
import Data.Maybe
graphEval :: Expr -> Int
graphEval expr = consume reified where
reified = unsafePerformIO (toGraph <$> reifyGraph expr)
toGraph (Reify.Graph env _) = graphFromEdges . map toNode $ env
toNode (j, AddF a b) = (AddF a b, j, [a, b])
toNode (j, LitF d) = (LitF d, j, [])
consume :: Eq a => (Graph, Vertex -> (ExprF a, a, b), c) -> Int
consume (g, vmap, _) = go (reverse . topSort $ g) [] where
go [] acc = snd $ head acc
go (v:vs) acc =
let nacc = evalNode (vmap v) acc : acc
in go vs nacc
evalNode :: Eq a => (ExprF a, b, c) -> [(a, Int)] -> (b, Int)
evalNode (LitF d, k, _) _ = (k, d)
evalNode (AddF a b, k, _) l =
let v = fromJust ((+) <$> lookup a l <*> lookup b l)
in (k, v)
In a serious implementation I’d want to use a more appropriate caching
structure and avoid the partial functions like fromJust
and head
, but you
get the point. In any case, this evaluator passes the tree 50
test without
> graphEval (tree 50)
Making Sharing Explicit
Instead of working around the lack of sharing in our language, we can augment
it by adding the necessary sharing constructs. In particular, we can add our
own let-binding that piggybacks on Haskell’s let
. Here’s an enhanced
language (using the same Num
instance as before):
data Expr =
Lit Int
| Add Expr Expr
| Let Expr (Expr -> Expr)
The new Let
constructor implements higher-order abstract syntax, or HOAS.
There are some immediate consequences of this: we can’t derive instances of our
language for typeclasses like Eq
, Ord
, and Show
, and interpreting
everything becomes a bit more painful. But, we don’t need to make any use of
in order to share expressions, since the language now handles that
'a la carte. Here’s an efficient evaluator:
eval :: Expr -> Int
eval (Lit d) = d
eval (Add e0 e1) = eval e0 + eval e1
eval (Let e0 e1) =
let shared = Lit (eval e0)
in eval (e1 shared)
In particular, note that we need a sort of back-interpreter to re-embed shared
expressions into our language while interpreting them. Here we use Lit
do that, but this is more painful if we want to implement, say, a pretty
printer; in that case we need a parser such that print (parse x) == x
We also can’t use the existing tree
function. Here’s the HOAS equivalent,
which is no longer polymorphic in its return type:
tree :: (Num a, Eq a) => a -> Expr
tree 0 = 1
tree n = Let (tree (n - 1)) (\shared -> shared + shared)
Using that, we can see that sharing is preserved just fine:
> eval (tree 50)
Another way to make sharing explicit is to use a parameterized HOAS,
known as PHOAS. This requires the greatest augmentation of the original
language (recycling the same Num
data Expr a =
Lit Int
| Add (Expr a) (Expr a)
| Let (Expr a) (a -> Expr a)
| Var a
eval :: Expr Int -> Int
eval (Lit d) = d
eval (Var v) = v
eval (Add e0 e1) = eval e0 + eval e1
eval (Let e f) = eval (f (eval e))
Here we parameterize the expression type and add both Let
and Var
constructors to the language. Sharing expressions explicitly now takes a
slightly different form than in the HOAS version:
tree :: (Num a, Eq a) => a -> Expr b
tree 0 = 1
tree n = Let (tree (n - 1)) ((\shared -> shared + shared) . Var)
The Var
term wraps the intermediate computation, which is then passed to the
semantics-defining lambda. Sharing is again preserved in the language:
> eval $ tree 50
Here, however, we don’t need the same kind of back-interpreter that we did when using HOAS. It’s easy to write a pretty-printer that observes sharing, for example (from here):
text e = go e 0 where
go (Lit j) _ = show j
go (Add e0 e1) c = "(Add " ++ go e0 c ++ " " ++ go e1 c ++ ")"
go (Var x) _ = x
go (Let e0 e1) c = "(Let " ++ v ++ " " ++ go e0 (c + 1) ++
" in " ++ go (e1 v) (c + 1) ++ ")"
where v = "v" ++ show c
Which yields the following string representation of our syntax:
> putStrLn . text $ tree 2
(Let v0 (Let v1 1 in (Add v1 v1)) in (Add v0 v0))
Cluing up
I’ve gone over several methods of handling sharing in embedded languages: an external memoizer, observable (implicit) sharing, and adding explicit sharing via adding a HOAS or PHOAS let-binding to the original language. Some may be more convenient than others, depending on what you’re trying to do.
I’ve dumped code for the minimal, HOAS, and PHOAS examples in some gists.